Surabaya, Right on Wednesday morning (16/2), several representatives of lecturers from Education Technology, State University of Surabaya (Unesa) held an audience at the Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) of East Java Province. However, Unesa Education Technology was not the only institution present at that time. Unesa Educational Technology in collaboration with Malang State University (UM) Education Technology, Head of the Education Office for Batu, Malang, and Pasuruan regions also visited this BKD. This hearing aims to convey the competencies of Education Technology graduates so that they can be placed in various agencies throughout the East Java Province. Representatives of the Unesa Education Technology Study Program who attended this audience, namely Dr. Andi Kristanto, S.Pd., M.Pd, as the Head of the Department, Dr. Utari Dewi, S.Sn., M.Pd, as the Secretary of the Department, Dr. Lamijan Hadi Susarno, M.Pd as the Head of the Laboratory, Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd as Professor of Educational Technology and Head of S3 Educational Technology Study Program, Dr. Andi Mariono, M.Pd as the Head of Master‘s Degree Program in Educational Technology, and Prof. Dr. Rusijono, M.Pd. as Professor of Educational Technology. The hearing was well received by Hasyim Asyhari, S.Sos. M.Si. as the Head of Planning, Procurement and Processing of Data and Information Systems of the Regional Personnel Agency of East Java Province, and his staff. The visit was carried out at the BKD building in East Java Province. Dr‘s statement Ema Sumiarti M.Si as Branch Head of the Malang, Batu, and Pasuruan Education Office indicated that the visit went smoothly. He stated that the current demand in the field is very much needed for HR graduates of Educational Technology in every educational unit to optimize learning in schools. Today‘s education will change, it is necessary to use various learning resources in learning at school. He said that one school needed one education technology graduate whose job was to manage the learning resource center/digital library/IT at the school. This statement was also reinforced by a statement by Hasyim Asyhari.S.Sos. M.Si who conveyed directly to the Head of the Department, Dr. Andi Kristanto, S.Pd., M.Pd. that BKD also really needs competent educational technology students to be able to do internships at BKD in order to develop "Academic Human Capital" which contains digital educational content based on micro learning (learning videos, interactive multimedia, infographics, and animated videos) which will later be used as a digital-based training vehicle for State Civil Apparatus (ASN) both Civil Servants (PNS) and Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK). He also stated that the competence of educational technology students is very relevant to help the project. Through this good news, it is hoped that it will open up new opportunities and new job opportunities for Education Technology graduates in East Java. From left to right: Dr. Andi Kristanto S.Pd., M.Pd, Hasyim Asyhari.S.Sos. M.Si, M.Pd, Dr. Ema Sumiarti, M. Si in the context of the audience. Taking a photo with representatives from the Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology (KTP) of the State University of Surabaya with the Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) of East Java.Dr. Andi Kristanto, S.Pd., M.Pd, (Head of the Department of Educational Technology), gave a souvenir to Hasyim Asyhari.S.Sos. M.Si (Head of BKD), accompanied by Dr. Ema Sumiarti, M.Si - Alifiyah, Raniah
Educational Technology Audience to the Regional Personnel Agency of East Java Province
18 February 2022