Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA – A wave of school visits came to the State University of Surabaya (UNESA). Recently, the group of Al-Azhar 15 Islamic High School Semarang visited the campus "one step ahead" on Thursday, September 12, 2022, which was immediately welcomed by the UNESA Admissions and Public Relations Unit at the 11th Floor Auditorium of the Rectorate, Surabaya.
The high school group consisted of 46 students of class XII and 6 accompanying teachers. The welcoming team consisted of Drs. Budi Jarwanto, Academic Coordinator of BAKPK, Ainur Rifqi, S.Pd., M.Pd., Secretary of the UNESA Admissions New Student Admissions Division, and Muh Ariffudin Islam, S.Sn., M.Sn., Head of the Documentation and Information Services Division, UNESA Public Relations.
The representative of Al-Azhar Islamic High School, Ariyadi S.Pd., revealed that this visit was aimed at obtaining as much information as possible regarding the process of new student admissions, admission pathways and the quota given. Moreover, there is a change in the entrance to PTN. "At the same time, we want to find out the admission format at UNESA so that our students know and can prepare in advance," he said.
Ainur Rifqi said that based on the new rules, there are three ways to enter PTN, namely; 1) national selection based on merit. 2) national selection based on tests; 3) PTN self-selection.
For prospective students who are interested in entering through a national selection based on merit, students must prepare the average value of the report card and substitute components for interests and talents. Values will be taken from a minimum of 50% of the average report card for all subjects, and a maximum of 50% of the replacement components for interests and talents. The assessment is carried out by the coordinator of BP3 (Balai for Management of Educational Testing).
In the interest and talent pathway, students will be selected through grades from the two selected supporting subjects. Assessment is also carried out through achievements as evidenced by the existence of certificates or certificates of appreciation both on a regional, national and international scale, linear with the chosen study program, and special tahfidz pathways.
On the special tahfidz line, you can show a certificate of memorization from the school or a letter or certificate from the tahfidz institution. Furthermore, portfolios for prospective students who are interested in entering study programs that require a portfolio such as arts and sports.
On the independent track, UNESA opens seven kinds of tests including non-test (using previous test scores), achievement, disability, TMUBK, affirmation, cooperation, and abroad. "Another path that can be considered is the leadership path (achievement path) which can be followed by the chairman and secretary of the student council," he explained. For graduates of Islamic boarding schools, Unesa also has a special path in the form of a pesantren path or religious achievement.
Budi Jarwanto encourages students to determine the study program first if they want to continue their studies. Lectures cannot be arbitrary, said Budi. However, it must be in accordance with the passion or interests and talents.
“From now on, you need to ask yourself what your interests, talents and passions are and your future career plans. After that, start reading a lot. When registration is open, you already know what to choose and do," he concluded. For students who want to find out more information regarding the UNESA entrance route, they can visit the UNESA Admissions page. Official social media can also be monitored regularly. [HUMAS UNESA]
Author: Hasna
Editor: @zam alasiah*
From Semarang to Surabaya, this is what Al-Azhar Islamic High School means to visit UNESA

22 September 2022