Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-As a country with a large Muslim population, Indonesia has special provisions regarding halal labeling and certification in various sectors including fashion and food. Of course, these regulations do not just appear, but through various dynamics.
In order to educate the public about the regulatory journey as well as the theoretical and legal basis for halal-haram in Indonesia, a lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law (FISH), Surabaya State University (UNESA), Dr. Hj. Siti Nur Azizah, SH, M.Hum., recently published the book "Towards Halal; Dynamics of Regulation of Halal Products in Indonesia."
Siti Nur Azizah said that this book describes the journey of halal labeling and certification regulations in Indonesia in depth and comprehensively. "This country has a lot of Muslim population, of course they must know the food consumed is halal or not and what the regulations are. Therefore, this book is more of an education and at the same time ensuring the halalness of ‘products‘ in various sectors," he said.
Daughter of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. Dr. (HC) KH Ma‘ruf Amin added that the implementation of certification and labeling of halal goods is intended to provide protection for Muslim consumers in order to obtain maximum security and safety as well as legal certainty in consuming or using a product.
Through this book, he hopes that consumers can get more complete information and have a variety of good choices (thayib) when they will consume a product. In this book, readers will find out the intricacies of comprehensively formulating laws relating to halal labeling and certification in Indonesia.
In the introduction, Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, expressed his pride and joy over the presence of the book. "With the presence of this book, I see that efforts to strengthen insight into the regulation of certification and labeling of halal products in Indonesia are increasing," he wrote.
In The 1st International Conference on Women and Sharia Community Empowerment held by Bank Indonesia in August 2022, the woman who leads the HCU (Halal Center UNESA) said that the image of halal products is not interpreted as mere syar‘i products with a limited segmentation of Muslims, but Halal products must also build their image as the best quality products, the ones the public can trust the most, and the ones capable of driving the economy.
This "Towards Halal" book, he continued, has been published widely and is available in various bookstores and online stalls. “Hopefully readers or the public can understand the halal-haram policy in Indonesia and its dynamics. This is important so that people do not worry about the products they consume and use,” he hoped. [UNESA PR]
Daughter of the Indonesian Vice President and UNESA Lecturer Publishes Halal Towards The Dynamics of Regulation of Halal Products in Indonesia

17 September 2022